Swap.com | The Largest Online Consignment Store - SparingMoney

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Swap.com | The Largest Online Consignment Store

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Swap.com adds thousands of new items every day, so you’ll never know what you’ll find. At every visit, you are sure to find something unique. While most online consignment sites are focused on high fashion for women only, Swap.com is everyone’s thrift store, with both practical and cool items that you may not get anywhere else. We believe that every dollar counts, and buying gently pre-owned items can add up to big savings in the long run. You work hard for your money and love thrifting, but local stores don’t carry a wide enough selection. Swap.com makes it possible for you to find high-quality alternatives to buying brand new for anyone in your family.

Shop at Swap.com today and save 30% of your first order using our Swap.com coupon exclusively brought to you by SparingMoney.

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 Enter Our Exclusive Swap.com Coupon at Checkout.

Did you know… 

  • 85% of discarded clothing ends up in the trash and buried in landfills every year in the U.S. with the average individual throwing away 70 pounds of textiles. 
  • If everyone dedicated just 10% of their purchases to secondhand clothing, it would have the same impact as taking 1 million cars off the road for a year, in terms of emissions reductions. 

At Swap.com, every day is like a Earth Day, and it does its best to combat clothing waste by providing you with a more sustainable way to shop. In fact, the millions of secondhand items sold on Swap.com, since it opened its doors in 2012, has prevented 91,000 tons of greenhouse emission (CO2) from being released into the atmosphere (the difference between shopping secondhand first vs. buying new). Help spread the word and be part of a great green mission!